Monday, August 12, 2013

Robotic Plant That can Grow Roots Coming Soon

Medindia Health News
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Robotic Plant That can Grow Roots Coming Soon
Aug 12th 2013, 10:34

At the Living Machines Conference in London, Barbara Mazzolai of the Italian Institute of Technology unveiled a project called 'PLANTOID'- a root system that would be able to pull energy from the soil without relying on other power sources, such as batteries, solar or wind, Discovery News reported.

The research team will build specialized sensors to detect chemicals, moisture, soil acidity, temperature and gravity, and will also develop Inter-root communication.

The main challenge for the researchers is to build a component that can grow, while still remaining strong.

For stationary robots, a root-like system would allow the machine to pull power from the environment without relying on the sun or wind.


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