Wednesday, October 23, 2013

President Obama Frustrated With the Glitches

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President Obama Frustrated With the Glitches
Oct 23rd 2013, 08:06

Administration officials need to hurry and quickly find a way to sort out and fix the glitches in the site. The President wants to inject a new urgency into efforts to fix the site, which made its debut on Oct. 1 � the day the government was shut down as the Republicans sought to defund the 2010 law.

The Health and Human Services Department said that they had hired experts from the private sector and other government agencies to rectify and rewrite the computer code to correct the flaws so that the consumers who have been trying to sign up will be able to do so. "There's no one more frustrated than the President at the difficulty in the website," Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

With 16 states that have their own exchange, in New York not a single person could sign up. Donna Frescatore, director of the New York State of Health marketplace, said Friday that 134,000 people had registered and shopped on the state's online health care site since its Oct. 1 launch, and thousands signed up to enroll in a plan.

The state has been unable to transfer consumer's data to the insurers, as they were unable to verify the information given by the consumers. Meanwhile, insurers were worried that the state website had incorrect information on details of plans that are available.

"We have heard from some plans that some of the information they thought was going to be there isn't showing up," said Leslie Moran, a spokeswoman for the New York Health Plan Association. In Washington, the Department of Health and Human Services agreed in a blog post Sunday afternoon that the system has been plagued by problems. "Unfortunately, the experience on has been frustrating for many Americans," the department said in an understatement.

"While shutdown took up front pages for two weeks and Obamacare was not highlighted as much as it would have been otherwise, the flaws in this unpopular law will take center stage now," a Senate Republican aide said Friday.

"The law is a disaster," the aide added. "People are going to notice it." Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius would be asked to testify on problems with before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Thursday.

She had claimed in July that the project was on track, whereas agency documents prove that officials were worried as they knew they were behind schedule. The agency on Friday told the panel that the recent end of the shutdown meant Sebelius had insufficient notice to attend the hearing.

Another top administration official, Office of Management and Budget Director Sylvia Burwell, would not guarantee on Friday that problems with the site will be fixed by Dec. 14. "The administration has put together a team and is deeply focused on the issues of how we fix those problems," Burwell said in an interview with Bloomberg TV.


Hannah Punitha (IRDA Licence Number: 2710062)


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