Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Deficiency of Magnesium

Medindia Health News
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Deficiency of Magnesium
Mar 27th 2013, 10:58

Drs. DH and DE Liebscher - in a paper published in American College of Nutrition suggest some simple investigations to be conducted to check magnesium levels and to increase the threshold of problems related to low blood magnesium.

As a start - magnesium supplements and magnesium therapy are applied at the earliest, for a minimum period of a month. By implementing these methods - long standing chronic low magnesium can be addressed.

Conditions Related to Low Magnesium:

1. ���� Depression

2.����� Insomnia

3.����� Migraines

4.����� Premenstrual syndrome

5.����� Hypertension

6.����� Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

7.����� Muscle Spasms and Twitches

8.����� Anxiety, Restlessness and Hyperactivity

9.����� Constipation

10.� Heart palpitations

11.� Tightness in the chest

12.� Osteoporosis

There are a few questions you can ask yourself as a self assessment:

Do you drink too many colas or carbonated drinks on a regular basis? Dark sodas have phosphates and these bind with magnesium in the digestive tract - they are flushed out. Avoid having cola with meals as this will flush out all the magnesium you are eating.

Have a sweet tooth? Do you eat a lot of candies, cakes and pastries? Refined sugar and refined flour have no magnesium. Nutritionists believe sugar is an anti nutrient.

Is your stress level very high - or have you undergone a surgery? Severe stress depletes magnesium and deficit magnesium in turn causes stress.

How much caffeine do you imbibe - in coffee, tea etc? Caffeine causes kidneys to excrete magnesium and other minerals.

How much of alcohol do you have - more than 7 drinks a week? Alcohol decreases the efficiency of the digestive system and absorption of vitamin D - which are responsible for magnesium deficiency.

Are you having too much of calcium - in milk or supplements? Excessive calcium with low magnesium is harmful for cells and muscles.

Do you take medication like - birth control pills, diuretics, heart medication or estrogen replacement? Some drugs lower magnesium levels in the system as magnesium is flushed out.

Do you face any of the neurological signs like anxiety, insomnia, or hyperactivity? Magnesium maintains electrolyte balance and deficiency can cause depression.

Do you have spasms, cramps, tics and fibromyalgia? When magnesium in the body is not adequate, muscles contract all the while.

Are you above 55years? After this age and as you grow older a person is vulnerable to loss of magnesium. The metabolic rates slow down as does the absorption of minerals - supplements are very important.

There are also a few random symptoms to indicate magnesium deficiency, such as when a normally relaxed and easy going person becomes short tempered and pessimistic. Some people develop a craving for salt or chocolate.

Magnesium is a key to good health; it should not be under estimated. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can be confused with symptoms of other conditions. It would be wise to see a physician and undergo some tests before increasing magnesium levels. Vitamin B complex taken along with magnesium supplements controls the amount of mineral absorbed into cells.


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